Town of Maxton

Angela Pitchford

Post Office Box 99
Maxton, NC 28364
Phone: 910-844-5231

The Town of Maxton operates under the Council-Manager form of government in which a professionally qualified Town manager is appointed and serves at the pleasure of the Town Council. The Town Manager serves as the chief administrative officer for Town government and manages the town’s day-to-day operations based upon the goals and objectives adopted and policies and directives expressed by the elected Mayor and Town Council. The Town Manager takes an oath to protect citizens’ safety, health and welfare by enforcing Federal, State and Local laws and regulations.

On Tuesday, April 20, 2021, Ms. Angela Pitchford was sworn in as the Town Manager of Maxton.  Ms. Pitchford has 20 years of local government experience and has served as the Interim Town Manager of Maxton in recent years.

Contact via telephone at (910) 844-5231 or via at