Town of Maxton

Desoney Diggs

Public Works Director

Dennis Freeman

Water & Wastewater Director

The Public Works and Water & Wastewater Departments work closely together to provide several services to the Town of Maxton. They routinely work individually and sometimes on the same projects, particularly those associated with the Town’s streets, sidewalks, and drainage infrastructure. These are the departments along with the Town’s administrative staff that work hard to make a difference and provide quality service to our residents.

Maxton Leaf and Limbs Schedule

Austin StreetBrooklyn StreetAzalea StreetAlexander Street
Baldwin StreetCameron DriveCarpenter StreetBaldwin Street
Brooklyn StreetClarks DriveCemetery RoadBroadway Street
Carolina StreetCottingham StreetCottingham StreetCentral Avenue
Central StreetElm StreetCourtland StreetCentral Street
Chestnut StreetFlorence StreetFirst StreetEvans Street
CorrellGraham StreetGraham StreetFifth Street
Daniel CourtHoyl CircleGentry RoadFirst Street
Elm StreetKincaid StreetHenderson StreetHall Street
Flora AvenueMalloy StreetHill StreetHooper Street
Florence StreetMcCormick AvenueHolly CourtHoney Lane
John’s StationMcCormick DriveHooper StreetMLK Jr. Drive
Lane StreetMcKoy StreetHoward StreetMiddle Street
Marada RoadMcNair StreetJashua StreetMundy Street
MLK Jr. DriveSmith StreetLombard StreetPatterson Street
McLoed StreetWells CircleMcCaskill AvenueSeventh Street
McNair StreetW Cottingham StMcLaughlin StreetSixth Street
Morrison Lane McLaurin StreetSmalley Street
Pine StreetMcNatt StreetThird Street
Pinewood DrivePatterson Street 
Saunders StreetRockingham Street
Scotland StreetWilkerson Street
Shoe Heel StreetWilmington Street
Steed Circle 
Thompson Court
Van Street
Willow Street

Garbage Schedule

Wednesday Thursday
Northside Pick-up Southside Pick-up
Austin Street Azalea Street Austin Street Alexander Street
Baldwin Street Carpenter Street Baldwin Street Baldwin Street
Brooklyn Street Cemetery Road Brooklyn Street Broadway Street
Carolina Street Cottingham Street Carolina Street Central Avenue
Central Street Courtland Street Central Street Central Street
Chestnut Street First Street Chestnut Street Evans Street
Correll Graham Street Correll Fifth Street
Daniel Court Gentry Road Daniel Court First Street
Elm Street Henderson Street Elm Street Hall Street
Flora Avenue Hill Street Flora Avenue Hooper Street
Florence Street Holly Court Florence Street Honey Lane
John’s Station Hooper Street John’s Station MLK Jr. Drive
Lane Street Howard Street Lane Street Middle Street
Marada Road Jashua Street Marada Road Mundy Street
MLK Jr. Drive Lombard Street MLK Jr. Drive Patterson Street
McLoed Street McCaskill Avenue McLoed Street Seventh Street
McNair Street McLaughlin Street McNair Street Sixth Street
Morrison Lane McLaurin Street Morrison Lane Smalley Street
Pine Street McNatt Street Pine Street Third Street
Pinewood Drive Patterson Street Pinewood Drive
Saunders Street Rockingham Street Saunders Street
Scotland Street Wilkerson Street Scotland Street
Shoe Heel Street Wilmington Street Shoe Heel Street
Steed Circle Steed Circle
Thompson Court Thompson Court
Van Street Van Street
Willow Street Willow Street